Synopsis Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger
The series takes place in the Imperial Capital of 1930. A group of people known as "Jaegers" landed on Tokyo Station. They carry musical instrument cases and came to hunt vampires. A man named Yuliy stood among them with a striking serenity and unusual aura. Known as a werewolf who had his home village destroyed by vampires, he and the Jaegers engage in battle against the mysterious holy arc known as the "The Arc of Sirius". What truth awaits them?
(Source: MAL News)
Information Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger
Alternative Titles: 天狼 Sirius the Jaeger
Aired: Jul 12, 2018
Premiered: Summer 2018
Producers: Infinite
Studios: P.A. Works
Genres: Action, Historical, Horror, Supernatural, Vampire
Download Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger OST
Opening theme: "Sirius" by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets* Full version: DBREE | Google Drive | Solidfiles | KumpulBagi
Ending theme: Not yet confirmed
* Full version: Not yet available
Information Songs
File format: Mp3, 320Kbps, Stereo (48kHz)
Type: Full version and tv size
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